Blog 3 | August 22, 2020

We’ve been quiet, which has led some people to write, asking what is happening.

There are updates in the sense that we have been working behind the scenes to get ready to start the work. Given the magnitude of the task, it is taking us some time.  We hope to be able to send out a progress report to everyone in the very near future.

(We belatedly realized that we needed a communication committee to help develop a better blog as well as an easy way to send a newsletter to everyone. We have solicited volunteers from our co-sponsor, IBM Design, who have both a deep interest in the topic as well as the technical skills and experience necessary to develop the necessary tools.)  

Our goal, of courses, is to develop a family of curricula, one that is relevant to the wide variety of existing design programs, but that also suggests new directions for design in terms of:

We have established four subcommittees to help guide the curriculum efforts:

We intend to finish this work by October 8, which will then permit us to start the more detailed curricula development process. And here is where we will start calling upon the roughly 450 people who have volunteered to help.

Thanks for your interest. And Patience.
